FIFA World Cup: World's first transportable football stadium built using shipping containers | WION

The FIFA world cup is slated to be held in hutter in the month of November later this year, and all eyes are on a specially designed stadium that can be dismantled and transported to wherever it is needed.

#FIFA #Football #WION

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29 comentarios en «FIFA World Cup: World's first transportable football stadium built using shipping containers | WION»

  1. I have a question from the long time about countries like Qatar.
    Every country wealth depends upon their natural resources, geographical advantages to trade and technological advancements etc.
    Qatar like wealthy countries have crude oil and gas as natural resources.
    What if that resources end in next 50-100 years. How they can maintain the wealth they celebrating today. Do they have any other advantages to keep their wealth after that.
    I am asking this on knowledge basis.

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