Iran football players decline to sing national anthem at World Cup match – BBC News

Iran declined to sing their national anthem before their World Cup match with England in an apparent expression of support for anti-government protests in their home country, which have been met with fierce crackdown in recent months.

Some fans shouted and jeered during the anthem and others held up signs saying «Woman, Life, Freedom».

Iran state TV cut its coverage of the anthem and switched to a previously shown wide shot of the stadium.

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43 comentarios en «Iran football players decline to sing national anthem at World Cup match – BBC News»

  1. Can BBC broadcast the images of Jalyaan wala Bagh India Punjab, When British Army killed hundred thousands of peace full protesters under the command of General Dier who after the incident shamelessly said that he has no regrets to kill so many peaceful people rather guns stopped firing bullets due short of bullets.

  2. We know BBC is 💩💩 and Iranian have to stay safe from Western propaganda…… We don't need another Libia, Afghanistan, Iraq… Si stay safe and kicks out western dogs out of Iran

  3. I don't get it? why doesn't Iran gov just change the rule and give equality to women so there would be no protesters? it doesn't make any sense at all…..unlike China, they limited the media so their citizens can't get the Western's idea, if Iran gov do what protesters said wouldn't it be a win-win situation???
    sorry for bad English

  4. How many children, women, men, old people have been killed by the British, or the france,or the Americans, or the Israel killed.everywhere in the world they have killed people and animals.

  5. 4:47 Congratulations to you Nazgol Nazam, you have not seen our Iran, in your short life time and you do not know Farsi.
    Congratulations to you personally, for the first time are you seeing such an original Iranian's fan.yes Iranian fans always bring everything to cheer our team and our land🍑

  6. The national team will always remain the national team in history, read more history. Maybe you will wake up. Unless the people of Chile, who had KILLING regime, their country's team was not heroes of CHILE?. Love the national team from Norway

  7. 😁😁😁 They were at first happy about that but nothing happened second game. They sung all together. The Wales fans whistle to their hyme and got punishment 😊

  8. Listen to to people, you might learn something. Iranian people are tough and have a lot of tolerance. If they protesting you know that something is very wrong.

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